Fraternity History

Beta Upsilon Chi was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 1985 by a handful of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. A group of Christian men met and planned the “BYX Island Party” to formally announce the fraternity’s founding. It was the vision of the founding fathers to have a fraternity of committed Christian men, based on the unique brotherhood that a Christian atmosphere affords, for the purpose of fellowship and glorification of Jesus Christ. Through such events as parties, service projects, and evangelical outreaches, the charter members of Beta Upsilon Chi chose to unite in fellowship and glorify Jesus Christ on the University of Texas campus.

Chapter History

In 1957, ten men founded Fairway Cooperative as part of Purdue University's cooperative housing system. Following the first pledge class of 1958, continued growth resulted in several moves between houses across campus. While housing has always been an integral part of the organization, the lasting bonds of Christian brotherhood formed within the walls are what define each man's experience. In February of 2015, Fairway’s Alumni Board began to look for ways to expand the house’s organizational model to other college campuses. In the search for existing fraternities with similar missions, BYX was discovered. Through more than two years of discussion, campus visits and prayer, it was determined that both Fairway and BYX would become stronger by merging together. In the Spring of 2017, Fairway was initiated as the Alpha Chi BYX chapter with over 50 founding fathers.

Founding Fathers

Levi Bays, Eric Beadle, Nate Beadle, Jared Birky, Gavin Bray, Jamie Brown, Brian Carter, Skyler Catron, Clay Chastain, Nathan Dearen, Peter Gegg, Nathaniel Gensel, Brendan Gillenwater, Timmy Hildebrand, Ben Hodson, Elijah Huff, Collin Jewett, Blake Kaldahl, Jacob Kerr, Isaac Keuhn, Adam Lamb, James Law, Mason McClure, Braden Murray, Caleb Ray, Drew Rinehart, Matthew Rodibaugh, Theo Roehl, Andy Ross, Pete Rusche, Andrew Sauer, Sam Sleziak, Jaxton Smith, Luke Smith, Trent Stichter, Andrew Stubbs, Brent Van Eyk, Bryce Walters, Grant Wilson, Ted Wright, & Zane Wright

Chapter Sponsors: Bruce Wirin

© 2025 Beta Upsilon Chi, inc. | Official website of Beta Upsilon Chi - Purdue University